Chaga Soft Chews
Benefits of Chaga and Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplements by Force Factor
 Ingredient Overview and Benefits of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
How to Use Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Formula Overview and Premium Quality of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Why You Should Take Caffeine, Benefits of Force Factor Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Key Benefits of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chews for Active Adults and Healthy Living
Chaga Soft Chews
Benefits of Chaga and Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplements by Force Factor
 Ingredient Overview and Benefits of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
How to Use Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Formula Overview and Premium Quality of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Why You Should Take Caffeine, Benefits of Force Factor Chaga Soft Chew Supplement
Key Benefits of Force Factor Modern Mushrooms Chaga Soft Chews for Active Adults and Healthy Living


Chaga Soft Chews

30 Soft Chews

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ANCIENT SUPERFOOD WITH A MODERN TWIST Mushrooms are a prehistoric superfood that some believe hold the key to better health. Chaga, a functional mushroom high in antioxidants, has been used for centuries to support immunity, digestion, and daily wellbeing. Modern Mushrooms Chaga provides the amazing benefits of reishi in a way that’s easy and delicious.



Chaga Mushroom When it comes to daily health, choose chaga. Full of nutrients and rich in antioxidants, chaga is traditionally used to support immunity, digestion, and more.

Fruiting Body Extracts Our formula is made with extracts of the fruiting mushroom bodies, known to contain the greatest concentration of beneficial nutrients.

Premium Formula Enjoy the incredible benefits of mushrooms with no preservatives, artificial sweeteners, or gelatin.

Delicious Flavor Every soft chew is a treat to eat, packed with sweet and delicious flavor you’re sure to love – no mushroom taste!

Stimulant Free Thanks to their naturally uplifting nutrients, a daily dose can put a spring in your step without feeling overstimulated.

supplement facts
Modern Mushrooms™ Chaga Soft Chews contain premium chaga extract in a delicious and convenient soft chew to support immunity, digestion, inflammation, and more.

Enjoy 1 soft chew daily.